We're Sorry!
It it looks like you do not qualify to seek specialized driving privileges because one of the following applies to you.
The law applies to almost any person EXCEPT:
- An individual who has never been an Indiana resident;
- A individual serving a current suspension for refusal to submit to a chemical test (Breathalyzer or Blood Draw);
- An individual who has been found incompetent or otherwise unfit to operate a motor vehicle by a court or the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (“BMV”);
- An individual who has been convicted for an offense which involved the operation of a motor vehicle and caused the death of another person; or
- An individual who has previously received SDP and has more than one count of violating the terms of those SDP.
If you think you might have answered incorrectly, or have questions, please contact us to discuss your situation.

Petitioning the court for Specialized Driving Privileges
July 29, 2019
How to obtain Specialized Driving Privileges in Indiana Our previous posts dealt with the evolution in Indiana law from hardship licenses to Specialized Driving Privileges

Specialized Driving Privileges Eligibility
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Do you qualify for Specialized Driving Privileges? Our previous post discussed what Specialized Driving Privileges or “SDP” are. This post will discuss the qualifications and

Specialized Driving Privileges in Indiana
July 1, 2019
What are Specialized Driving Privileges? A suspended license can be an impossible obstacle for a person trying to get their life back on track. For